An Editing Eclipse

Wow! A lot has happened since my last post. The eclipse, Hurricane Harvey, the anniversary of Princess Diana’s death, the anniversary of the beginning of the Jack the Ripper murders, the return of college football, and probably many more things. There was even news that more evidence has recently been found to indicate James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper. Although I’m not a die hard Ripperologist, I still find the case fascinating.

My second round of editing wraps up tomorrow. I made all the edits my editor requested, save one, and that deals with a foreign language word. I verified I’m using the correct word. I also added chapter titles to the manuscript. Those were fun to do, and I hope you enjoy them when you read my book next spring. I pray other aspiring writers embrace the joy of editing like I have. Listen to your critique group and editor, they are trying to help you to make the best book possible.

Tomorrow is Labor Day in the United States and Canada. It may be celebrated elsewhere tomorrow as well, but my calendar only indicates the US and our northern neighbor. In America, it indicates the end of summer, cooler weather and fall festivals. However, we celebrate Labor Day by retailers having huge sales forcing their employees to work. It seems someone is missing the point. Sure, office and factory workers get the day off, but if you work in retail or the restaurant business, it’s a no go. Don’t quite understand this one. Shouldn’t everyone who labors get Labor Day off?

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What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book I have my nose in. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. I finished reading The Prophecy Con by Patrick Weeks. My review is on Good Reads. I’m now reading the final book in the series, The Paladin Caper.  I encourage you to read a variety of topics.

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