In the Star Wars franchise, I believe the Empire / First Order really doesn’t learn from their past mistakes. Using small, one-man fighters, the Rebels destroy the Death Star, not once but twice. They take out the Executor, Darth Vader’s super star destroyer. They tip over AT-ATs with a simple cable wrapped around the legs. The Rebels blow up the Starkiller Base by exploiting a design flaw. Two more massive First Order ships are destroyed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
The Empire / First Order continually make bigger and bigger weapons of mass destruction, only to have them destroyed by small, one-man fighter craft of the Rebels. Does anybody else see the comparison to David vs. Goliath? Bigger and more destructive doesn’t always win the day. More often than not, a farm boy from Tatooine in an X-wing fighter succeeds. Be the one to take down your enemies, even if they are bigger and better equipped than you.
History doesn’t write itself. If it did, the Empire / First Order would design better battle stations and ships. At the very least, it would give some recruits pause and say, “You know, the Rebels destroyed the Death Star twice, they know how to take down our AT-ATs, they blew up our Starkiller Base, maybe I’m signing up for the wrong team.” Hopefully, the Empire / First Order will learn smaller is better. Even that, is something all of us need to learn from time to time.
What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book I have my nose in. I may not be a published author yet, but I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read. I’m currently reading Miss Kopp’s Midnight Confessions by Amy Stewart. I encourage you to read a variety of topics.