End of a Decade

Thirty-one days is all that’s left in this decade. Time sure does have a way of moving at lightning speed. And yet, it always moves at one second at a time. Too much has happened for me to give a proper review of the past ten years. World and personal events have shaped our lives, as they always will. But how often do we sit and pause, turn off the phone, TV, and Wi-Fi, and reflect on a short passage of time like the twenty-teens?

Some would raise a ruckus if the Wi-Fi was turned off. Modern technology has connected us in ways never before realized. Well, those of us with modern technology. There are millions, perhaps billions, in the world who don’t have modern technology, clean water, or safe living conditions. Countries still fight each other on battlefields, which all too often resemble city neighborhoods.

The rich fight like hell to retain their wealth and power. The poor fight like hell to stay alive. To be fair, I am aware of several American billionaires who do give generously to the needy. How many billionaires in other countries are doing the same? But the world shouldn’t rely on billionaires to save it from every disaster. Governments of the world need more cooperation with each other and less manipulation of each other.

A hundred years ago, the Great War ended and America was set for the Roaring 20s. What are you looking forward to in 2020? You have thirty-one days to make your plans.


What I’m Reading – Many readers I know like to inquire what their favorite author is reading. At the end of each blog post, I’ll let you know what book is open on my Kindle. I hope my choice of reading material inspires you to read a variety of authors and topics.  I’m currently reading Death of a Young Lieutenant by BR Stateham.

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